Thursday, January 23, 2014

Permissible But Not Beneficial

I really like this subject. It explains my journey, where I'm at RIGHT NOW. This summer I had WLS (read more in previous blog if you're interested). I have lost 70 lbs since my surgery and have done really well... UNTIL the end of November. I've been stalled since then in my weight loss. I've given myself a year to reach my first initial goal, and while I do hate deadlines for weight loss, I would LOVE to be maintaining this summer. We're going on a trip this summer and I would LOVE to be pretty in pictures again. Vain? Yes. I admit, it is. But it's honest, and isn't that was this is all about?

Permissible: food... ALL FOOD. Unlike some people who've gone thru this surgery, I haven't experienced any problems with foods. I guess maybe soda, but I rarely miss that. So, I'm at a point where I can eat whatever I want.. it's permissible. But, it isn't all beneficial. Since I have a smaller stomach, I need to make sure and eat healthy foods and not fill up on junk. It's important for me to realize I am feeding my body, fueling it, and I need to make sure I'm feeding it beneficial foods. Otherwise I'll miss out on healthy nutrients my body needs. This is really where I am, and this is my struggle. You see, WLS is NOT a cure all. While my appetite IS small, my cravings are still there. I'm craving these things because as Lysa has said "We crave what we eat." If I get nothing else out of this book, it will be that statement.

Permissible: spending my time doing EVERYTHING BUT quality time with God. I'm ashamed to admit how much TV I watch. I'm tired at the end of the day, and I just come home and watch TV or read. Reading is good, but I'll admit, not much of my reading is in the bible. TV, I'm afraid is NOT beneficial. Sure, a little bit can't hurt. It is a good way to unwind and relax, I just need to not unwind and relax SO MUCH! I sit at a computer for goodness sakes! It's not like I'm out doing manual labor!!! Beneficial time spent would be reading the bible, time with my husband, reading anything that will make me think and exercising (any movement really...).

So, the PLAN is... because making a plan is always key in making changes.

The Plan:

Stock kitchen and desk at work with HEALTHY options.
Schedule daily exercise.
Stop turning on the TV just to see what's on, I have a MILLION things to do around my house. I have shows I like to watch of course, and I'll watch those, but I need to stop watching marathons of shows!

I think those will go good first steps for me!


  1. What a wonderful blog! You hit right where I need to be - up and moving, not sitting and soaking up stuff from TV. Thanks for the inspiration

  2. How true is every word. I need to make some of the exact same choices. I plan on going to the YMCA with my husband and sons in order to get moving. Last weekend when we went grocery shopping, I stocked up on healthy foods for my husband and I. Plus I have really been trying to drink mainly water.

  3. Thank you for sharing your heart. I get caught up in doing things that aren't beneficial at the expense of those things that are beneficial to me. While they aren't sin, they also aren't helping me achieve my goals. I love your goals. Praying you will choose those and reach your goal by summer.

  4. Love the comment ..the plan is....because making a plan is always key in making changes. I also have idle time and do not schedule my exercise, I can always find some housework to do in place of the exercise instead of before or after.
