Thursday, January 30, 2014



1. Firmness of purpose; resoluteness
"she advanced with an unflinching determination"

This has been a difficult week. When I started this study I was completely on board and so excited. And the first week went great. This week however… I’ve really been struggling with it. I was going thru the motions of participating, but not “feeling” it. I did my morning quiet time and read my bible, but my heart was not present. I didn’t WANT to crave God, I wanted those stupid donuts. I even resisted praying for the strength to walk away. I was being tempted by the world and I was falling fast. I didn’t even want to ask people to hold me accountable. Ugh. FAIL.

HOWEVER… Here comes the good part! Last night, I had to really push myself to look at WHY I was resisting God so much. It was a tough look, and I’m going to have to really work hard to move forward, but I have #DETERMINED to do just that… MOVE FORWARD. I think we so often hear, “Well, what’s your motivation?”, and sometimes we can’t think of anything. Sometimes you have to just MOVE FORWARD. And that’s where I am right now. I am #DETERMINED to move forward and I WILL succeed. I will get thru these obstacles with God’s strength.

“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” ~Winston Churchill


  1. Sarah, keep up the great work - determination is key! Thanks for sharing, Kim (fellow OBS'er).

  2. #Determination is the word we use and we know what it means as we read it...but life is still hard and like you said "Never give up"! We have to keep pushing to #CraveGod with all that we are to overcome our obstacles that we all have. Thank you so much for hanging in there and for sharing with us all~ Cindy M. OBS Small Group Leader :)

  3. So many lose their determination with one poor choice, and then give up for the rest of the day, which is the worst thing you can do. Even when we waiver, it is important to go right back to the plan, forgiving the transgression and moving forward.
